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Testing with Bioresonance

The Disturbance Field Analysis

No illness comes without causes, and these causes have to be determined systematically and in full detail. The application of this holistic bio-resonance method always begins with a systematic disturbance field analysis.

Analysis with Bioresonance According to Paul Schmidt employs two principle test methods, namely the manual Rayotest method, using passive mental radiesthesia with the Rayotensor, and the Rayoscan, an automatic test method based on heart rate variability, employing the use of an ECG to determine the resonant frequencies the body needs for regulation at any given time. 

Testing for Electro-magnetic Radiation

In the last 30 years, the release of man-made frequencies through mobile phone and other wireless networks into the atmosphere has increased several million-fold! Mobile telephone communication has become commonplace in our lives, and it would be impossible to imagine a world without mobile phones.

It is virtually impossible to escape the network of transmitters, which will soon cover the entire planet with the advent of the new 5G network! Overhead high voltage power lines (pylons and railway lines) add to the massive pollution of our environment, as do the daily exposure to low-frequency radiation from appliances and electrical installations in the home and at work.

Constant exposure to electro-magnetic radiation, especially at night, suppresses our immune system and interferes with normal cell function, which can lead to the formation of abnormal cells and to degenerative diseases. With Bioresonance According to Paul Schmidt, we can accurately test for the disturbances caused by e-smog and apply effective methods to counteract their harmful effects on our bodies.

The Rayonex system employs the use of so-called bio-field forming devices to balance the effects of electro-smog in the organism. Please follow this link to the Rayonex website for more information on these products. 


Testing for Geopathic Stress

Geological anomalies and disturbances are a geological reality on this planet. The 3 most common disturbances that can adversely effect our bodies are underground water courses (water veins), geological faults (earth breaks) and harmful radiation emitted from global geomagnetic grids (energy lines). Research has shown that geopathic stress suppresses our immune system and interferes with normal cell function, especially during the important cell regeneration phase at night.

Prolonged exposure to these interferences can eventually lead to the formation of abnormal cells and to degenerative diseases. With Bio-resonance according to Paul Schmidt, we can detect any burden on the organism caused by these geological disturbances and apply a variety of antidotes to counteract their harmful effects on the organism.

The Rayonex system employs the use of so-called bio-field forming devices to balance the effects of geopathic stress in the organism. Please follow this link to the Rayonex website for more information on these products. 

Testing for Acidosis (Acid-Alkaline Imbalance)

It is a scientific fact that blood needs to maintain a precarious ph balance of 7.35 to 7.45 at all times. If this ph is not maintained the body goes into “metabolic acidosis”. Similarly, it is important to maintain an alkaline environment in the four “basophilic organs” of the body: the liver, the pancreas, the small intestines and the connective tissue (extra-cellular matrix). Simply speaking, an acidic environment in our body causes illness and disease, as pathogens and toxins thrive in acidity, whereas alkalinity is the key to good health, as pathogens and toxins cannot survive in an alkaline environment.

Major factors that influence acidity and alkalinity in our body are the food we eat, geopathic stress and electro-smog, as well as the presence or absence of other internal and external stress factors, such as mental and emotional stress at home or at work, etc. With Bio-resonance According to Paul Schmidt, we can accurately test for the ph values in our basophilic organs and apply effective measures through adjusting lifestyle, dietary and nutritional habits, and counteracting the negative influences of geopathic stress and electro-smog in our lives, to maintain a healthy alkaline milieu in our bodies.

Testing for Harmful Substances and Toxic Interferences (Heavy Metals, Pesticides, Environmental Substances)

In the course of time it is virtually impossible to avoid the accumulation of harmful substances in our bodies. Overproduction of certain foods, the use of artificial fertilizers, soil degradation, a massive introduction of processed foods and ready meals with many additives, preservatives, colorings, etc., the introduction of genetically modified foods, the use of amalgam (mercury) fillings in dentistry, the massive use of chemicals and vaccinations in the meat industry, and a myriad of chemicals that enter the food chain through the environment, are all contributing to a massive build up of harmful substances in our organism.

The presence of these harmful substances suppress our immune system, they interfere with normal cell function and eventually enter the cells where they lead to cell mutations and the formation of degenerative diseases. With Bio-resonance According to Paul Schmidt, we can energetically detect the presence of these harmful substances in the organism and apply effective individually tailor-made methods to detoxify the body and restore health.

Testing for Pathogens (Bacteria, Viruses, Parasites and Fungi)

Every person is host to a myriad of micro-organisms, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. In a healthy alkaline organism with a healthy immune system this isn’t causing any problems, as a healthy balance (symbiosis) of these microorganisms is maintained at all times. However, in the presence of acidosis caused by a variety of negative influences on the organism (such as toxins, heavy metals, pesticides, geopathic stress, electro-smog, environmental chemicals, wrong diet and lack of good nutrition, mental and emotional stress, etc.) these harmful micro-organisms can multiply too much and cause illness and disease.

With Bioresonance According to Paul Schmidt, we can safely and accurately test for an imbalance of harmful micro-organisms in the body and devise a tailor-made individual detox program to restore a healthy balance (symbiosis) of these micro-organisms in the body or to stimulate the immune system to remove toxins and harmful micro-organisms from the body and restore health. 

Testing for Genetic Toxins

Genetic toxins can accumulate in families for many generations and are being passed on to the next generations due to their manifestation in the genetic structure. This can lead to a genetic weakening of certain organs.

Bio-resonance According to Paul Schmidt can help to harmonise and regenerate the effected cell systems and return them to a normal and stable function.

Please click here to book a consultation with Jackie Pond now.

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